

Our Customers!

Our customer's endorsement is what sells our products. Check the references from just a few satisfied users.

Wayne Griffith, Maintenance Supervisor, Husky Oil Read the Testimonial
K. R. Holley, Corporate Purchasing,  Finning Ltd. Read the Testimonial
Dick Craig, Service Manager, Island Mack Truck Sales Ltd. Read the Testimonial
Ken Rittinger, Asset Manager, Kramer Ltd.

Read the Testimonia

Lyle (Imperial Oil) Imperial Oil
Ron Wilken Schulberger
John Turner Coast Mountain
Steve Troyan B&D
Dave Janzen Waterous
Morgan Symon Mascot

ome people are hesitant to pass on information about a good product to the competition, but here are a few who would be more than happy to tell you about our Quadra Jet Spray Washer.

B&F has the best sales staff… Our Customers

Some people are hesitant to pass on information about a good product to the competition.

B&F Manufacturing can not list all of our satisfied customers who have purchased our product,

But here are a few who would be more than happy to tell you about our Quadra Jet Spray Washer.

Abbotsford BC                     Valley Fuel Injection             M-225, M-150         Ryan Scott                       604-853-6096

Acheson Alta                        Liebherr-Canada                   M-250                      Reginald Whynot           780-962-7754

Brooks                                    Baker Hughes                       M-225                      Patrick Doling                403-501-5777

Bonnyville                              Schlumberger                       M-225×3                  Jerry Smith                      780-826-2820

Brooks                                   Weatherford                          M-225                      Chris Whithrow               403-362-6500

Burnaby BC                           Coast Mountain Bus            M-250×2                  Andy Anderson               604-205-6105

Burnaby BC                           Sky Train                                M-225                      Joe O'Conner                 604-520-3641

Calgary Alta                           Contour Const                      M-225                      Gary                                 403-333-6323

Calgary Alta                           Cummins                               M-225                      George Lucas                403-569-1122
Calgary Alta                           Finning                                  M-250×3 M-225      Brent  Nelsen                 403-275-3340
Calgary Alta                           Kidco Const.                         M-250                      Jay Masciangelo            403-730-2029
Calgary Alta                           On-Stream                             M-225                      Andrew                           403-234-8345
Calgary Alta                           West Power equipment       M-250                      Mike Budd                        403-720-3300
Calgary Alta                           Wajax                                      M-250                      Greg King                       403-253-7601
Calgary Alta                           Jazz Air                                  M-250                      Dale Graffe                     403-974-3844
Clairmont Alta.                      Schlumbeger                         M-225                      Cory                                 780-830-4501
Clairmont Alta                       Brandt Tractor                      M-225                      Doug Rieger                    780-532-3414
Clairmont Alta                       Cummins                               M-225                      Brad Negrin                    780-532-3175
Campbell River                     Carmac  Diesel                      M-225                      Bryan Hofman                 250 287 2171
Coburg Oregon                    Mill log Equipment                               M-225                      Doug Hansen                 541-485-2203
Cold Lake Alta                      Esso                                       M-225                      Lyle Nydokus                 780-639-5609
Cold Lake Alta                      Esso(Tartan)                         M-225                      Jeff                                  780-639-5347
Cranbrook BC                       Fiorentino                              M-225                      Gus Fiorenteno             250-426-7281
Croton BC                             Catalyst                                  M-250, M-225         Ross Davis                     250-246-6936
Edmonton Alta                     City of Edmonton                 M-225×2, M-250     Gregg Sorenson             780-496-6446
Edmonton  Alta                    Ceda                                       M-225                      James Lorente               780-478-1048
Edmonton Alta                     Cameron                                                2xM-250                  Derick Fizli                      780-434-3476
Edmonton Alta                     Esso Oil                                 M-225                      Wes Frolex                      780-762-9813
Edmonton Alta                     Finning                                  M-250×4 M-225X2 Trevor Pombert              780-446-0950
Edmonton Alta                     Larfarge                                 M-250                      Dave Whiltshire              780-732-7465
Edmonton Alta                     Performance                          M-150                      Tyler Wilson                    780-457-1924
Edmonton Alta                     Rexroth Bosch Group         M-250                      Roberto                          780-466-5466
Edmonton Alta                     Wajax                                      M-250                      Duane Verheire               780 487-6700
Edmonton Alta                     Wajax                                      M-250×3                  Paul Harding                  780-437-3550
Edmonton Alta                     Western Star                          M-225                      Gil Morrison                   780-453-3452
Edmonton Alta                     Volvo                                      M-225                      Roger                              780-451-2680
Edmonton Alta                       Weir services                       M-250                      Mark Tennis                    780-438-1122
Ft. Nelson                              Finning                                  M-225                      Owen Larson                   250-774-7275
Fort MacMurray                     Albian(Shell)                         M-250×2                  Barry McInnis                 780-881-2891
Fort MacMurray                     Finning                                  M-250                      Jack Billington                888-346-6464
Fort MacMurray                     Kearl (Imperial)                     M-150×2                   Brad Lockyer                780-762-8574
Fort MacMurray                     North American Road          M-225                      John                                780-215 2521
Fort MacMurray                     Suncor                                   M-150                      Cal  Watson                    780-215-3159
Fort MacMurray                     Wajax                                      M-250                      Les Gibson                      780-791-6447
Fort McKay                            Finning                                  M-250                      Shawn Tetreault           587-646-4242
Grande Prairie                       Finning                                  M-250×3                  Eldon Lee                       780-831-2670
Grande Prairie                       Precision Rentals                 M-250                      Tim Ferguson                780-532-0788
Grande Prairie Alta               Waterous                               M-250                      Terry Acheson               780-532-2396
Houston Tx                           Hagglund Drive                     M-250                      Bill/Gary                          281-292-6700
Hudson Bay, Sask.               Weyerhaeuser                       M-250                      George                            306-865-1813
Imperial Oil                            Kearl Lake                              M-150                      Wes Frolex                      780-762-9813
Kamloops BC                        Brandt Tractor                      M-250                      Frank Talarico                250-374-2115
Kamloops BC                        Detroit Diesel Allison           M-250                      Nobby Lodermeier          250-573-4450
Kamloops BC                        SMS                                        M-225                      Bill Chursky                    250-374-6961
Kendersly Sask                      Finning                                 M-225                      Sam Hawken                  306-463-3797
Kent Washington                 Mill Log Equipment              M-225                      Mike Schwarz                 425-251-3434
Lac La Biche Alta                  Mobile Repair                       M-225                      Stepane Jobin                780-623-7100
Langley                                  SMS Equipment                    M-225                      Dan Fesiuc                     604-539-2859
Langley  BC                           Truck Speacialist                  M-225                      Dennis                             604-888-4606
Leduc     BC                           Centralift                                                M-225×3                  Derick                              780-986-5559
Lloydminster Sask                               Cummins                               M-225                      Clay Wills                        360-825-2062
Lloydminster Sask.              Husky Oil                               M-225                      Roxy                                306-825-1547
Lloydminster Sask.              Kenworth Lloydminster      M-225                      Don Lee                          780-871-0950
Nisku Alta                              Ironline                                   M-250                      Terrance Mackenzie       780-955-0717
Nisku Alta                              Union Tractor                        M-250                      Jason Ptiest                    780-979-8572
New Jersey                            MSI                                          M-250                      Craig S. Raivitch            856-423-7756
New Westminster BC           Southern Rail                        M-250                      Bill Schapp                     604-527-6333
North Vancouver                  Canexus                                 M-150                      Dan Parsons                   604-924-2894
NWT                                        BHP Diamond Mine              M-250,M-225          Bill Dean                        867-880-2234
NWT.                                       Diavik Diamonds Mine         M-250 M-225          Gord Harris                     604-881-6915
Port Alberni BC                     Catalyst                                  M-250X3 M-225      Peter Flynn                     250-723-2161
Port Alberni BC                     Marlowe Marine                     M-225                      Gary Cohoe                     250-724-2302
Port Angeles WA                  Daishowa America Mill        M-250                      Earl Brown                      360-452-0625
Powell River BC                    Catalyst                                  M-250×2                  Frank Mating                  604-483-2807
Prince George BC                 Brandt                                    M-250                      Romay Primus               250-562-1151
Prince George BC                 Husky Oil                               M-225                      Ted Lind                           250-960-2518
Prince George BC                 P.G.  Pulp & Paper                                M-250×2, M-225     Baltazar Rodrigus                        250-563-0161
Prince George BC                 SMS                                        M-225                      Bernie                             250-564-8841
Prince George BC                 Wajax                                      M-250                      Al Gandy                         250-562-7321
Redcliff                                 Wajax                                      M-250                      Chris Murray                 403-529-9557
Richmond BC                       Warsila                                   M-250                      Steen Bentzen               604-244-8181
Richmond BC.                                      Mogan Brake & clutch         M-225                      Mike r                               604-433-7139
Red Deer Alta                        Brandt Tractor                        M-225                    Luke Howard                   403-343-7557              
Red Deer Alta                        Finning                                  M-225                      Clint Masters                  403-347 1106
Red Deer Alta                        Finning(COE)                        M-250×3 M-225      Luke                                403-302-7162
Red Deer Alta                        Schlumberger                       M-225                      Karl Baker                       403-343-2221
Red Deer Alta                         Smith Services                     M-225                       Kevin Morin                   403-347 1800
Red Deer Alta                        Waterous Detroit Diesel       M-250                      Irvin Gantz                      403-346-8981
Regina Sask.                         City of Regina                       M-225×3                  Brain Legard                 306-777-7412
Regina Sask                          Finning                                  M-250-32                                Jason                               306-545-5311
Regina Sask                          Brandt Value Parts                               M-225                      Jim Gotchia                     306-791-7777
Saskatoon                             Standard Machine                                M-250                      Lyle Drysdale                 306-931-3343
Saskatoon                             Finning                                  M-250                      Matt Russell                   306-382-3550
Saskatoon                             Korpan Tractor                     M-250                      Johnn Denton                306-933-2100
Spokane Wa.                         Western States Equip          M-225                      Jerry Peterson                509-535-1744
Surrey BC                              ADI Process                           M-250                      Frank Burns                   604-936-4217
Surrey BC                              BC Hydro                               M-250                      Curtis Spencer               604-590-7628
Surrey BC                              Cummins BC                         M-225                      Tar Rossi                        604-882-5759
Surrey BC                              Brandt Tractor                      M-250                      Jason Corbett                604-882-8888
Surrey BC                              Detroit Diesel Allison           M-250×2                  Dave Cappon                 604-888-1211
Surrey BC                              Finning                                  M-250×2                  Mike Ivany                        604-881-2600
Swift Current                         Finning                                  M-250                      Greg IllerBrun                  306-773-3240
Texas                                      Hagglund                               M-250                      Mal Robertson                 905-319-6338
Vancouver BC.                      Dynamic Engineering          M-250                      Carol                                604-253-4427
Vancouver BC.                      Mill Log Equip.                      M-225                      Jim Adamson                 604-879-6731
Victoria BC                            C.F.B. Esquimalt                   M-250, M-225         Dave Cleugh                   250-363-2108
Victoria BC                             Victoria ship Yard                                M-250, M-150         Lucas Greenwood                         250-380-1602
Victoria BC                            Victoria Automatic                               M-150                      Chris Willie                     250-475-2851
Victoria BC                            Wartsila                                  M-250                      Tom Kelly                       250-3601557
Williams Lake                        Brandt Tractor                      M-225                      Jacob Wolfe                   250-392-2901